cfp logo Computers, Freedom & Privacy 2000:
Challenging the Assumptions, Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, April 4-7 2000   
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"Computers, Freedom and Privacy (CFP) is the most important computer conference you've never heard of. " -- Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, April 4, 2000

Wondering what the CFP conferences are like? Read CFP2000 Chair Lorrie Cranor's essay on Ten Years of Computers, Freedom and Privacy.

For information about past and future CFP conferences or to add your name to the CFP mailing list see the CFP.ORG web site.

"With a double dose of irreverence and near-religious fervor, this spirited camp meeting delves into the increasingly critical privacy issues that can trip up a DoubleClick or anyone else fighting for customers online." -- Michael Roney, The Industry Standard, March 13, 2000

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