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The workshop was given this charge:
The workshop focuses its effort on analyzing what would be involved in bring a select group of projects to fruition -- after all, the purpose of the workshop is enabling the deployment of technology to secure civil liberties. None of these projects were exactly suggested by any of the paper submissions to the workshop, and no particular individual(s) "own" any of the ideas here. We hope that the workshop can collectively identify what needs to be done for these projects to be sufficiently widely deployed that they can start to make a real difference, in the real world, without having to hope that the political process can help.
It was also given the pages below. These pages are quite similar to the ones handed out at the workshop and in some cases are slightly longer -- in some cases, small amounts of text was elided from them when the hardcopy handouts were made to minimize paper.

The project list

The first half of the workshop was spent on the DNS project, while the second half was split between business and cash. The workshop ran from 9:00am until 5:30pm.

In addition, we had several mini-speakers, who each spoke for about 10 minutes on related topics. Wright and Whitten spoke in the DNS session; Phillips and Gilmore spoke in the business session, and Mulligan spoke in the cash session. All but Gilmore have papers posted.

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Lenny Foner
Last modified: Thu Apr 13 18:15:14 EDT 2000